February 2024: AGM March 4th, Chequers, Wimblington _____________________________________________________________________
7pm start, all welcome. April 2022: New Club Books Available _____________________________________________________________________
New season books will be available from our outlets by Thursday April 28th and can be purchased online via the application form (here).
New (from May 1st), members will be able to purchase guest ticekts. More details to follow.April 2021: New Club Books Available _____________________________________________________________________
New season booksa re now available from our outlets and can be purchased online via the applciation form (here).June 2020: Wallington Hall Gates and Parking _____________________________________________________________________
A couple of notes re Wallington Hall, especially for new
GATES If you arrive before 6am, do not park up in front of the gates. People
have been driving right up to the gates and tripping the beam, so that they
will not open. This is causing a traffic jam and a very fed up gatekeeper.
Please keep well back from the gates and wait until they open.
2. PARKING There are designated
parking areas at Lake 1 (near end and far end), Lake 2, and Lake 3 (near end
and far end). Use the far end Lake 3 car park for fishing Lake 4. DO NOT PARK
on any tracks, verges, or anywhere other than a designated area. Always park
out of sight of the Hall. See parking map here.
May 2020: Update on Fishing, Membership Books, COVID-19 _____________________________________________________________________
Great news. Fishing on club waters (Wallington Hall, the
Claypit) resumes Wednesday May 13th. The Cuckoo Drain is closed as usual until
June 16th.
Current club members can fish using their 2019/20 book for a
few weeks (deadline Monday June 8th) to allow time to get the new book from
tackle outlets as they open – some are opening now, others after June 1st. As
we understand it, you can ring/message the tackle shop and pay for your book
with a credit/debit card prior to collecting at an agreed time.
All outlets will have books by Thursday 14th. Shops
operating this service are:
- Outdoor Antics, Downham Market 07881 905687 (also on
- Shipshape Tackle, Kings Lynn 01553 764058 (also on Facebook)
- Anglers Corner, Kings Lynn 01553 775852
- Second Chance, Outwell, 07738 709389 (also on Facebook)
Anglers joining the club this year can also use this
service. For new members who may live further afield and cannot visit the
tackle shops, you can receive your book by post (£1.50 P&P charge). Please
email info@dmdaa.co.uk If you need to get your book this way. The application
form is attached to this message, and is also on the website. Please note, this
is for new members only; existing members should renew at one of the outlets.
Safety requirements regarding COVID when fishing:
• Social distancing is vital – do not fish near anyone else
(Angling Trust recommends 15m apart). The absolute minimum is 2m.
• Do not congregate to chat, discuss tactics, drink tea or
all the other things anglers do – you must fish alone or with a family member
• Do not travel to club venues with anyone other than a
family (household) member.
• Do not share fishing tackle or food with other anglers.
• If you arrive at a venue and there are lots of anglers
present, go home. Do not put yourself or others at risk. This applies
especially to those in the “vulnerable” category.
• Carry hand sanitiser and/or alcohol spray and clean any
objects you touch that someone else may have touched before you – gates,
handles, etc. The virus can live for hours or days on certain surfaces, so do
not take any chances.
• Wearing of masks or gloves is optional.
Anglers found to be in breach of these requirements will be
asked to leave.
Overall, enjoy your fishing, make the most of the
opportunity to get out on the water again, but use common sense and stay safe.
October 2019: Update _____________________________________________________________________
new Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Committee have now been
appointed, and are already in full swing making improvements to all our
fisheries. Work Parties take place every Wednesday morning, usually at
Wallington Hall, less often at the Claypit or Cuckoo Drain. All are
welcome, we always need pairs of hands. Major work has been
undertaken at all these venues and will continue through the Autumn and
Winter months. Our aim is to make all our waters the best they can be.
Club thanks outgoing President and Chairman, Malcolm Plumb, for all his
hard work over many years. The new officers and Committee are
determined to make this club a great success, but we need the
continued support of members, both current and new.May 2019: Claypit Closure _____________________________________________________________________
Claypit is closed until further notice as a precautionary measure to
protect the fish stocks, following the discovery of blue-green
algae. The EA is monitoring the situation and
advising the club. Blue-green algae can produce toxins which are
harmful to aquatic and mammalian life - do not visit the venue until we
inform you via this website or Facebook that it is safe to do so.May 2019: AGM Minutes _____________________________________________________________________ Please click on this link to download the AGM minutes. Please note they have not yet been adopted.
April 2019: Work Parties & Matches _____________________________________________________________________ Update on maintenance work at Wallington Hall:
Lake 3
will be closed on the following dates:
Tuesday 16th April
Wednesday 24th April Saturday 4th May
Wednesday 8th May
Saturday 11th May
Wednesday 15th May
Saturday 18th May
Anyone wishing to help please meet at the car park for
Lake 3 at 9 am.
Lake 3 will also be closed for an Over 60s match on Thursday May 2nd.
Match fixture lists will be posted here and on Facebook when available.
April 2019: New Books & Work Parties _____________________________________________________________________
club books for 2019/20 are now available in all our outlets. Prices
are: Full, £20; Concessions, £35; Junior £10; Joint plus £12. A lot of
improvement work is being done, which will result in some Lake 3
closures at Wallington Hall - see Facebook for details.April 2019: Volunteers Needed _____________________________________________________________________
Wallington update: the Hornwort problem
in Lake 3 is being addressed. The plan is to hold weekly work parties to rake
out as much weed as we can. We already have 6 members willing to help but it
would be very handy if we could get a few more helpers. The Club is asking for
additional volunteers to help with lake maintenance (swim repairs, weed removal
and general tidy up). Please contact Steve Golden or Peter Reeve (bailiff) or
leave your name in the meesenger in Facebook, or email info@dmdaa.co.uk and we'll get back to you.
So, for the next few weeks lake 3 will
be undergoing essential maintenance work and may be closed at short notice.
Lake closure notices will be put out as early as possible in the car park areas
and posted on Facebook.
January 2019: Reminder _____________________________________________________________________
Lake 3
the past three years, Wallington Hall, Lake 3, has been overrun with the weed
Hornwort, which has made fishing difficult. The club has taken expert advice to
kill off this weed, by using a blue dye, but without success. We have now been
told that the only way to get rid of this weed is to cut it every fortnight
during the growing season. This is what the club is intending to do, starting
in early March 2019. To do this we need volunteers to help with this massive
If you can spare a half/full day every now and again to help with this.
Please contact our chairman Malcolm Plumb on 01945 774223 before the end of
February 2019.
January 2019: Happy New Year _____________________________________________________________________
Two very important announcements:
Lake 3 Weed
the past three years, Wallington Hall, Lake 3, has been overrun with the weed
Hornwort, which has made fishing near impossible. The club has taken expert
advice to kill off this weed, by using a blue dye, but without success. We have
now been told that the only way to get rid of this weed is to cut it every
fortnight during the growing season. This is what the club is intending to do,
starting in early March 2019. To do this we need volunteers to help with
this massive undertaking.
If you can spare a half/full day every now and
again to help with this. Please contact our chairman Malcolm Plumb on 01945
774223 before the end of February 2019.
Book Prices
book prices until the new season from the 1st Jan 2019
New prices will be :-
Full/Conc. £20-00
Juniors £5-00
Joint +£10-00
September 2018: Work Party _____________________________________________________________________
There will be a Work Party at Wallington Hall on on Saturday 15th, starting at 9am. Please come if you can. August 2018: Fete _____________________________________________________________________
Wallington Hall is hosting a fete on Sunday August 19th. The main
access gate will be closed. Anyone wanting to fish the lakes must enter
by the farm gate, 200yds on the Downham side of the main entrance.
You must have your membership book - no admittance without it.July 2018: Lake Closures & Gates _____________________________________________________________________
Lakes 1, 2 and 3 at Wallington Hall will be closed for routine maintenance on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th July.
Also, please note that the gates open at 6am, not before. They close at 10pm on the dot, you need to be out by then.June 2018: New Rule Changes _____________________________________________________________________
22 now states: ALL anglers must dry their nets before use to prevent
spread of fish diseases. Match anglers must spread their nets behind
their peg on the bank for at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the
Additionally, please note:
Maximum net weight is now 50lb - this is a limit, not a target.May 2018: New Season News _____________________________________________________________________
Club books are available from the usual outlets. Wallington Hall is now open all year round. New club rules can be found here. Keep tuning into the DMDAA Facebook pages for up to date news. Next Open Meeting is Monday, June 4th. February 2018: Wallington Work _____________________________________________________________________
There will be a
Work Party at Wallington Hall on Saturday February 17th to clear the
mess left after the fallen trees were removed from around Lakes 2, 3
and 4. Please attend if you can. January 2018: Wallington Work _____________________________________________________________________
Many thanks to club members who joined in the Work Party on Saturday; your help is greatly appreciated. December 2017: Help Needed in January _____________________________________________________________________
Work Party Jan 6th 2018.
Please attend if you can. There is a lot to do early in the year, see below:
Saturday Jan 6th:-
1. Working Party to temporary
repair sluice in Lake 4 and remove floating rhizomes in peg 7/8 Lake 3 (if not
already removed).
2. Allow repair to set for a
few days and then release water from Lake 3 to fill lake 4 ready for pumping.
(If required)
3. While the water level is
low in lake 3, complete repair to sluice in lake 3. This requires the removal
of the wooden slats etc. and building a solid wall in the gap to the required
height. This needs to be done before the end of February.
4. Refill Lake 3.
5. During the first week in
March insert the blue dye, this is a critical date.
6. Once pumping from Lake 4
is finished and the trees removed, drain Lake 4 and rebuild a permanent sluice.
7. Start spraying lilies in
Lake 3 as soon as leave appear. This will require at least 3 spraying at two
week intervals.
Note:- It may be possible to
build the permanent sluice in Lake 4 on the 6th January if we feel it will not
be damaged when the trees are removed. It could be reinforced with sand bags
just to give it more protection.
September 2017: ATTENTION ALL ANGLERS _____________________________________________________________________
The club is aware of some
recent incidents of illegal fish taking at the Denver Claypit. Anyone that may
have any information regarding this, or witnesses any such activity is encouraged to call any of
the following numbers:
- the EA incident number, 0800
- Malcolm Plumb 01945 774223
- Peter Scragg 07535101493
Alternatively, call the
Police quoting Operation Traverse (fish theft).
Any photos of illegal
activity and relevant car numbers will greatly assist bringing these felons to
April 2017: AGM Summary _____________________________________________________________________
Brief Summary of the 2017 AGM
AGM Proposals:
1.The proposal that match pools money be increased from £5 to £10 was voted
2.Proposal on changes to match winners payout was withdrawn.
3.Proposal that keepnets for silverfish be allowed
at the Claypit from 1st September was carried unanimously. The rule in
membership book to be changed.
4. Proposal that match attendees should give 2 days
notice to match secretary was carried.
5. Rule 24 concerning use of barbed hooks on our
fisheries was carried unanimously. Only barbless and microbarbed allowed. Rule
to be amended in the book.
6. Proposal concerning club book price increase
(excluding juniors) of £3 across the board, passed unanimously.
Open Forum
Trevor Manley outlined a possible proposed quarterly news letter, which was
generally approved.
The floor questioned the validity of the Lake 2 new sluice project. After some
heated discussions the Chairman called for a vote on said project, which was
passed 16 for, 2 against and 2 abstentions.
Election of Officers
Chairman: Malcolm Plumb. Proposed Peter Scragg, seconded Trevor Manley-passed
Vice Chairman: Peter Scragg. Proposed Malcolm Plumb, seconded Mark
Ellis-Unanimously approved.
Secretary: Ian Harding. Unanimously approved
Minutes Secretary and club promotion officer: Trevor Manley. Proposed Malcolm
Plumb, seconded Peter Scragg.-unanimously approved
Treasurer: Malcolm Plumb. Unanimously approved.
Match Secretary: None proposed. Dave Berry volunteered
Ass. Match Secretary: Guy Travis.
Committee: Mark Newton, Mark Ellis, Simon Gilbey.
April 2017: Work Parties _____________________________________________________________________
Just a reminder to everyone that working parties are needed
at Wallington Hall. We hold them every Wednesday from 9.00 am. Please come and
help out, even if only for an hour or two. Here's a picture from last week's
April 2017: EA Grant Award _____________________________________________________________________
Downham Market & District Angling Association
has been awarded a grant of £4000 from the Environment Agency towards the
cost of providing better fishing at Wallington Hall Lake 3.This money was
obtained through the EA Fisheries Improvement Programme which is funded through
rod licence income.
For the past
two seasons lake 3 has become near impossible to fish due to the excessive
growth of weed.
The grant will allow the club to install a new
sluice in lake 2, so the flow of water into lake 3 is by-passed. Once this is
done then a blue dye can be added to lake 3 which will stop any sun light
reaching the bed of the lake and so killing off the weed.
It is hoped that this project will be carried out
later this month (April) and the dye added before the growing season gets underway.
DM&DAA would like to thank the Environment
Agency for this grant and looks forward to working with them on this project
and in the future.
March 2017: Annual General Meeting
AGM will be held on Monday April 3rd at The Chequers, Wimbotsham (7.30pm start).
are the proposals to the AGM as submitted:
That the pools money on matches be increased from £5 to £10.
Proposer: S.Gilbey
Seconder: D. Berry
2. That the payout system for matches
be changed to an overall winner then section winners. The overall winner will
not be eligible for their section win, instead the angler coming second will
receive that section prize.
Proposer: S. Gilbey
Seconder: D. Berry
That the use of keepnets for silver fish at the Claypit be allowed from 1st
Proposer: S. Gilbey
Seconder: T. Little
That the match rules be changed such that any angler wishing to participate in
a general match must contact the Match Secretary to confirm attendance at least
two days prior to the date of the match. This will allow time for the Match
Secretary to determine if sufficient anglers wish to take part, and contact
everyone if the match has to be cancelled. This rule change to be added to the
Club Book.
Proposer M. Ellis
Seconder T. Manley
That Rule 24 be clarified. It is proposed that Rule 24 be changed to: “all
hooks must be either barbless or micro-barbed. Fully barbed hooks are not
Proposer S. Gilbey
Seconder J. Taylor
That the DM&DAA club book price be increased by £3 per annum for all
categories except Juniors, in order to assist with anticipated cost increases
for 2017/18.
Proposer S. Gilbey on behalf the Committee
Seconder J. Taylor
March 2017: Annual General Meeting
AGM will be held on Monday April 3rd at The Chequers, Wimbotsham (7.30pm start).
urge all members to attend, the Chairman and Committee will report
on activites and plans for the future. All agenda items must be received no later
than two
weeks prior to this date, ie last submission date is Monday, March 20th.
Please also note that any agenda item submitted must be seconded. June 2016: Work Party
kindly request any members with a few hours spare to attend a Work
Party at Wallington Hall on Saturday June 11th (9am until 12). The main
aim is to remove weed to prepare swims for the new season.
Only one person turned up for the last Work Party, this really is pretty poor.
Please support your club!June 2016: Sad News
DM&DAA is very sad to
announce the passing today of Tony Shanley, a stalwart of the club for many
years and a keen match angler. He will be sorely missed and the club sends
deepest condolences to his family.
May 2016: Match Prize Money
New for 2016:- Millennium
cup £100 donated by the club (to qualify all matches in the series needs to be
fished. the person with the highest overall points wins)
- Carrington
cup £50 donated by Outdoor Antics (to qualify 3 out 4 matches in the series
needs to be fished. the person with the highest overall points wins)
- Wednesday
night matches £50 donated by Mr. M. Turner (to qualify all five matches need to
fished .the person with highest overall points over the five matches wins)
April 2016: New Club Books........
..........are ready and available at our stockists.April 2016: AGM Report
Twenty members attended the AGM.
Matters arising:
Lake 3 weed problem: Contractors were consulted
along with EA. Weed cutting lets in light and Hornwort has grown on.
Conclusions included increased fish stocking to help to keep the lake bottom
stirred up to hinder hornwort growth. The best option for lily control is by
spraying from the bank with a 7m long
Concerns were expressed from the meeting about
possible illegal fish removal from the Cuckoo and surrounding drains.
Chairman’s Report:
Small carp are to be stocked into Lake 3 (see above).Thanks
for all work done on all our waters, especially to JR and his brother for all the
works done at Wallington Hall. Work parties helped to remove felled trees. The
Chairman also encouraged younger (committee) members to come to the work
Over 60’s matches well attended, but poor attendance
at the regular weekend matches.
The Joint book price scheme seems to be quite
successful, however a price rise may be expected next year.
Information from the floor that Cormorants have been
active at the Claypit. Vice Chairman to keep surveillance since this has not
been a problem in the past.
Secretary’s report.
This was read out at the meeting. The value of
having the website and the recent Facebook inclusion was noted, with no cost to
the club. Secretary mentioned committee members efforts on researching weed
control solutions and the value of sharing this knowledge with other clubs with
similar problems eg Fakenham AA.
Treasurer’s report
Read out and approved.
Match Secretary’s report
One match had to be cancelled due to poor attendance.
Match record broken by DB at the Claypit
- 136lb.
Open Forum.
Thanks were given to the club booksellers at the
various outlets, especially Outdoor Antics.
Various suggestions were made for bigger money
prizes at matches to promote attendance. Mark Turner volunteered to donate £50
for prizes at Claypit evening matches. The Club are to put up £100 for 4
matches (possibly the Millenium Cup). Darryl Spain from Outdoor Antics to put
up £50 for a series of matches. (possibly
the Carrington Cup?).
Simon from Outdoor Antics pointed out that some pegs
at the Claypit need attention. Dave Berry volunteered to organise work parties
for this.
Election of Officers.
Chairman: Malcolm Plumb. (Proposed Peter Scragg,
seconded Trevor Manley-passed unanimously.
Vice Chairman: Peter Scragg. Unanimously approved.
Secretary: Ian
Harding. Unanimously approved
Treasurer: Malcolm
Plumb. Unanimously approved.
Match Secretary: Mark
Ellis. Unanimously approved.
Ass. Match Secretary: Dave Berry. Unanimously approved.
Committee: Trevor Manley, John Taylor, Mark Newton,
Joe Bourn, Simon Gilbey, Gavin Harrowing.
March 2016: Work Parties
kindly request any members with spare time to participate in
upcoming work parties at Wallington, to take place 9-12 on Wednesdays
30th March and April 6th, 13th and 20th. Tree removal has been
completed and we now need to repair pegs 8 to 10 on Lake 2. Volunteers
needed! March 2016: Annual General Meeting
AGM will be held on Monday April 4th at The Chequers, Wimbotsham (7.30pm start).
Agenda: 1. Minutes of 2015 AGM 2. Matters Arising 3. Chairman's Report 4. Secretary's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Match Secretary's Report 7. Open Forum for Members 8.
Election of Club Officers for 2016: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary, Election of
urge all members to attend, the Chairman and Committee will report
on activites and plans for the future. No agenda proposals have
been received, so instead we will hold an Open Forum for Members to
raise any queries/discussion points. March 2016: Carp Galore
fish is an excellent way of controlling weed, as well as improving
things for anglers, so we are delighted to announce the club will be
stocking 2000 carp into Wallington Hall Lake 3 before the start of the
new season.March 2016: Annual General Meeting
AGM will be held on Monday April 4th, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham,
start at 7.30pm. Please try to attend, there are some very important
discussions to be had. All agenda items must be received no later
than two
weeks prior to this date, ie last submission date is Monday, March 21st.
Please also note that any agenda item submitted must be seconded. February 2016: Help Needed
Volunteer help
needed for a couple of hours on Thursday February 18th at Wallington Hall. Some
of the fallen trees will be moved and we need club members to turn out and help
move the small stuff so the machines can get in. Please come if you can, the more
the merrier. The result will be improved swim access, so it will be well worth
the effort. Meet at 9am.
December 2015: Weed Problems
all members are aware, this season has been a particularly difficult
one for weed. We know other clubs in the area are suffering with a
similar problem. At Wallington Hall, weed growth has been prolific,
particularly in Lakes 1 and 3, making fishing difficult at times. The
committee and volunteers have spent a lot of time on weed removal, but
environmental conditions have meant it comes back again rapidly. We
took the decision to engage a professional weed-cutting company to
clear out Lake 3 in August, but sadly they let us down. It would have
been a very considerable expense and eaten heavily into the club's
funds. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix; we believe it is caused by
nitrate run-off from farming, which enters the lakes through the feeder
stream. The only long-term cure will be to prevent excess nitrates
getting into the lakes, and we are looking into ways of achieving this.
Further information will be forthcoming next year.November 2015: Rearranged Match
There will be a match on Lake 2, Wallington Hall, on Sunday November 29th - usual timings apply. August 2015: Crucial Crucians
Downham Market and District Angling
Association is very proud to have been selected by the Environment Agency, in
concert with the National Crucian Conservation Project, to receive a stocking
of 150,000 crucian carp fry into Lake 1 at Wallington Hall. These fish are from pure Norfolk genetic stock, taken originally
from a lake near Holt and bred at the EA fish farm at Calverton. The aim is to
restock Norfolk waters with original strains of fish, and to then crop them and
stock more waters with mature fish, in order to re-establish a once-common
species, but which has declined in recent years. There are stringent criteria
for acceptance into this scheme, and DM&DAA is pleased to be part of a
major conservation project. This builds on the club’s re-development work on
Lake 1 at Wallington Hall. By investing in dredging, silt removal, relocating
carp and controlling predators, we have provided a perfect habitat for these
new crucians to grow and flourish. Lake 1 was previously restocked with 100 tench
and 500 crucians (breeding size), to add to the roach, rudd, bream and perch
already present. We would expect up to 5% of the newly-stocked crucians to
survive and grow on, so in years to come we will have prime crucian carp
fishing at this venue, as well as providing a source of mature fish for other
waters. Read more about the NCCP at http://anglingtrust.net/page.asp?section=1057§ionTitle=National+Crucian+Conservation+Project

| Crucians - lots of 'em | Crucians in close-up |
July 2015: Match Matters
Match Sec's report for the early season: We’ve held eight matches since
the start of the season. June saw the Marchant Shield on the 3rd at the Claypit
won by N. Plumb with 48lb 12oz, S. Gilbey had a 15lb carp, eight anglers
fished. The Treadfast shield on the7th at the Claypit won by S.
Roslyn with 66lb 14oz, J Bourn had a pb carp of 12lb 3oz, eight anglers fished.
The Alflatt cup on the 10th at the Claypit, won by D Bellham with
22lb 15oz, eight anglers fished. The Wallington K/O cup rnd 1 on 21st
on Lake 3, winner S.Gilbey with a 22lb 7oz net of Roach and Rudd, M. Ellis had
two Bream each weighing around 4lb apiece. Five anglers fished, a
disappointing turn out. The Silverfish Trophy on the 24th at the
Claypit, winner D Bellham with 14lb 8oz. Ten anglers fished.
July saw the Les Shreeves Shield on the 1st at the Claypit
with D Bellham taking the individual win with 37lb 15oz. M Turner won the pairs
shield with a double up weight of 58lb12oz. Nine anglers fished. On the 4th
saw the second round of the Saturday League on Lake 2 being cancelled due
to a lack of anglers with only M Ellis, D Berry and D Bellham
turning up.
This is a great shame, and also a
huge waste of time and money for the Match Secretary, who has an 80 mile
round trip every time he runs a club match. So, in future, WILL ALL ANGLERS
TELEPHONE/TEXT TO 07914495882. Otherwise, matches may be cancelled again at the
last minute.
June 2015: Another Change to Match Calendar
note, the Over 60s Match on Thursday, July 2nd, has been moved to Trev's Lake, Head Fen.
June 2015: Change to Match Calendar
note, the Pairs Match due to take place on June 17th has been
re-arranged for July 1st instead. There will be a sweepstake match
instead on the 17th, draw as normal, fish 6pm-9pm.
The Clay Pit will be closed on July 1st in readiness for the Pairs Match. June 2015: Getting Ready for the New Season
parties have been in action at Wallington Hall (primarily swim
clearing) and The Cuckoo Drain. At the Cuckoo, new swims and an access
walkway have been put in place:
 |  | new swims and walkway | handrail added to the ramp |
June 2015: Work Party
Calling all able-bodied
(well, mostly able-bodied) members and would-be members....there will be a Work
Party at Wallington Hall on Saturday June 6th at 9am for 2-3 hours. There's
weed-clearing, lily cutting and swim maintenance to be done ahead of the new
season, please come along and help if you can.
May 2015: Social Media
a shameless attempt to attract a younger audience and new members,
DMDAA is now on Facebook. Click the Facebook icon above to visit our
page.May 2015: Trophy Night
Match trophies were presented at the Open meeting on Monday, May 4th. The full list of prizewinners can be found on the Match Scene page.
Simon Gilbey with his array of trophies
Remember, club books will be available at the next Open
Meeting on Monday, June 1st.
May 2015: New Club Books
books for the new season will be available in tackle shop outlets and
online from May 1st, 2015. They will also be available at the next Open
Meetings on Monday, May 4th and Monday, June 1st.
Please note, the opening times for Outdoor Antics are incorrect as printed in the book, they should read: Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.30pm Friday 8.30am to 6pm Saturday 8.30am to 5pm
April 2015: AGM Update
As a result of the AGM last week, two new rules have been added:
1. All club members must have and use an unhooking mat on all club waters 2. Hooks: sizes up to and including 14 must be microbarbed; size 16 and smaller must be barbless (see below):
and another rule has been clarifed:
1. match rule - crucian carp are not to be kept in the same net as carp (to avoid damage).
note, the proposal to allow meat baits on club waters was withdrawn
during the AGM, and so this rule stands - no meat baits allowed.
experimental all-waters book has been extended (unanimously approved),
and there will be no price change this year (2015/16). In addition, it
was agreed to introduce a partner book price, so a husband/wife etc,
who fish together, can purchase an additional book for their partner at
a cost of £10 only, instead of having to buy two separate full-priced books.
It was also reported that 500 crucian carp and 100 tench of breeding size have been stocked into Lake 1.
next Open Meeting will be on Monday May 4th, 7.30pm as usual
(yes, it's a Bank Holiday). New club books will be available, so new
members can join or existing members can renew.October 2014: Match Venue Change
Note to all matchmen: the match on Nov 2nd has changed venue and will now take place on The Ouse at Littleport. Talking of matches, here's some early footage of the Over 60s in action at Ely.September 2014: Special Offer for Club Members
of our club ticket outlets, Outdoor Antics of Downham Market, is now
offering 10% discount on all fishing-related items to club members on
production of your club book. See here for contact details.August 2014: Club Match Record Broken (Yet Again)
only gone and done it again - in a recent match at the Claypit, Darren
Belham won with the huge weight of 132lb 6oz! August 2014: Match News
additional match has been organised for Sunday August 17th at the
Claypit. Accordingly, the Claypit will be closed that day
to pleasure anglers. July 2014: Match Venue Change
The match due to be held on Lake 3 on Sunday July 13th has been moved to Lake 2.July 2014: Club Match Record Broken (Again)
done it again - in a recent three hour match at the Claypit, Darren
Belham won with the huge weight of 99lb 13oz! This is 10oz more
than his last outing, but he still hasn't cracked the 100lb barrier.June 2014: Club Match Record Broken
Things are hotting up, and it's not just the weather.
In a recent match at the Claypit, Darren Belham won with the huge weight of 99lb 3oz!May 2014: New Season - Buy Your Club Book Online
Welcome to the new season - for those fishing the Clay Pit in Denver, at least. Our other waters open on June 16th.
means now is a very good time to join the club. Not only have we made
it simpler, with one book for all our venues at a reduced overall
price, you can now renew, or apply for membership, via this website.
All you have to do is go to the Membership page, download the application form, and send it off with a cheque and SAE.
Don't delay, get your application in now and be ready for the season!April 2014: AGM Update
AGM was held on Monday April 7th,
at The Chequers in Wimbotsham. We are pleased to announce that. for a
trial period of one year, the club will have just one book that covers
all our venues. We have also reduced prices to help affordability. For
the 2014/15 season, prices are:
Full membership: £35 Concessions: £30 Juniors: £10
also note that Howletts will no longer be selling DM&DAA club
books. The only outlet in Downham Market selling books will be Outdoor
Antics. Books can also be purchased from Denver Post Office, Ches'
Tackle, Anglers Corner and Emneth Tackle (see Links page). We will also be starting online book sales via this website.
Club books will be available for purchase at the next two Open meetings: Monday May 5th and Monday June 2nd, 2014.
other important change to club rules was passed at the AGM - from now
on anyone fishing for carp or pike must have an unhooking mat and a
landing net of appropriate size.
March 2014: AGM
AGM will be held on Monday April 7th, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham,
start at 7.30pm.
Agenda: 1. Minutes of 2013 AGM 2. Matters Arising 3. Chairman's Report 4. Secretary's Report 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Match Secretary's Report 7. AGM Proposals 8.
Election of Club Officers for 2014: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary, Election of
We urge all members to attend, there are some very important
discussions to be had. February 2014: AGM Date
AGM will be held on Monday April 7th, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham,
start at 7.30pm. Please try to attend, there are some very important
discussions to be had. All agenda items must be received no later
than two
weeks prior to this date, ie last submission date is Monday March 24th.
Please also note that any agenda item submitted must be seconded.December 2013: MEMORIES OF SUMMER
On a
chilly and overcast Boxing Day, it's nice to think back to the glorious
summer of 2013. Some of you may have misseed it, but Angling Times did
a feature article on Wallington Hall, and they have very kindly given
us permission to reproduce it here. Have a read and remember what it was like to fish in a T shirt!
Happy New Year to all club members: past, present and prospective.
Turkey Stakes Xmas Match at Denver Claypit 22nd December 2013
Draw 09:00 hrs, fish 10:00 to 15:00hrs; please contact Malcolm Plumb 01945 583157 to book your place.
From December 1st
2013, all club membership is now half price until March 14th 2013. Full
membership £17.50, concession £15, juniors £5; Wallington Hall
supplement £2.50.
new season has got off to a cracking start. Vice Chairman Pete Scragg
caught this wonderful 27lb mirror from a club water, and we hear a
31ber also came out a few days before, caught by a new member:
to know where it was caught? You'll have to join to find
out.................seriously, DM&DAA costs 10 pence or less per
day; compare that with £25 a day to carp fish in some places (I
overheard an angler moaning about this in a tackle shop last
week), or £200+ for a syndicate water. And our fish are about as "wild"
as you can get, not recently-stocked, farm-grown monsters. Come on in,
the waters are lovely.May 2013: WALLINGTON HALL NEWS It
is with great pleasure and a vote of thanks to the Club Chairman,
Malcolm Plumb, that we can annouce that Lake 4 at Wallington Hall will
be available for fishing from June 16th, 2013. Lake 4 is approx. 1.5
acres in size with good depths, and the fishy content is a bit of an
unknown quantity; it definitely holds carp, and possibly good
roach, too. Improvement work will commence immediately.
This is
a major upgrade - we now have 4 lakes at Wallington for you to enjoy.
Add this to the Clay Pit, The Cuckoo Drain and over 15 miles of river
fishing on the Ouse and Wissey, and a DM&DAA book is looking like
even more fantastic value for money.May 2013: DIVISION 2 NATIONAL The
Division 2 National will be held on the Ouse this year, including some
of the Club's water. Practice matches can be held, subject to the
leasing clubs holding their own matches. For further information, see here.April 2013: PRESENTATION EVENING (and OPEN MEETING) The
Presentation Evening will be held at the Chequers, Wimbotsham, on
Monday May 13th, at 7.30pm. This is also an Open Club Meeting. All are
AGM was held on Monday, April 8th, 2012 at 7.30pm, at The Chequers
in Wimbotsham. Some important information was imparted to members old
and new:
- Lake 1 desilting and renovation work is nearly completed. The
major work took 3 weeks, at its height some 30 tons of silt were being
moved per hour
- Reseeding of grass has taken place
- Over 3200 roach, rudd and bream have been stocked; more stocking will take place shortly
- A
massive vote of thanks is due to the club members who gave over 600
hours of voluntary work to make this all happen - and to Clive Barr and
Malcolm Plumb who organised it
- Regarding Clive, we are sad to announce that he has had to stand down as Vice Chairman due to ill health
- Also
retiring from Club duty this year are Cyril Smith, Paul Tomlinson and
Gordon Fisher; the Club wishes them all the best and thanks them for
all their efforts over the years
- Car parking at Lake 3 has been improved, but please remember to park out of sight of the Hall
- As agreed at the EGM, book prices will increase to pay for the work and the stocking program over the next 5 years
- Membership
numbers have increased, with the proportion of Wallington Hall books
increasing. This reflects well on the work done by the Officers and
members and also the variety and diversity of our fishing
- Wallington Hall fishing will now start at 5.30am until dusk or 10pm
at night (from June 16th). However, a new automatic gate system has
been installed - you must be off the lakes and through the gates before
10pm, otherwise you will be locked in and there will be a £20 release
fee - no exceptions!
- Election of Officers for 2013/14 took place - details are on the Contact Us page

| DM&DAA President, Malcolm Plumb (R), presents Gordon Fisher with a
decanter in recognition of his many years of voluntary work at
Wallington Hall, maintaining the lakes and their surrounding area.
Although Gordon is officially retiring, he will still be fishing and
keeping an eye on his protege, Sid, who will take over the role from
now on. |
March 2013: AGM Date
AGM will be held on Monday April 8th, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham,
start at 7.30pm. All agenda items must tbe received no later than two
weeks prior to this date, ie last submission date is Monday March 25th.
Please also note that any agenda item submitted must be seconded.Jan 2013: UPDATE: LAKE 1 PHOTOS
As promised, here are some photos of the work undertaken at Lake 1:
The Problem
The Solution The Work Party
The End Result
thanks to the efforts of members of the Committee and Club, we now have
a pristine new lake with depths up to 6.5 feet. The next job is
planting, swim installation and restocking, which will take place before the new season.
Here's a summary of what took place:
- site clearance work commenced in late September 2012, with DM&DAA members to the fore
- dregding began on October 8th and was completed around October 20th
- at the height of operations, approx 35 tonnes of silt were being removed per hour
- final site clean-up took place at the end of October
- the lake was refilled in November.
work on Lake 1, outlined below in the EGM minutes, has been completed.
A huge amount of effort was made by club members (over 500 hours of voluntary work), led by Clive Barr and
Malcolm Plumb, to prepare the site and continue the work once the
Southery Drainage Board had completed their part. We thank them all for
their efforts, it couldn't have been done without them.
Pictures will be posted here showing what has been achieved.
to all our readers, work got crazy for the second half of last year and
no updates to the site were made. However, there are some important
bits of news that need to be imparted.
EGM August 2012
EGM was held to discuss the situation at Wallington Hall. In
particular, Malcolm Plumb discussed the concerns of the
committee about the current
water levels of lakes 1, 2 and 3. Lake 1 has about 18” of water and 39 “ of silt in places; the owner, John
Plaxton, is also concerned that if nothing is done it will totally silt up. It was proposed by both parties to
carry out remedial work ASAP. The cost is expected to be around £12,000; work to be carried
out by Southery Drainage Board and should take 12 days. We need to lower the water
levels and extract the fish ourselves. After the work is finished the water
levels will be at least 4’.
We are being asked to pay between 5
&6k, at a rate of £1000 per year over next 5-6 years. It is proposed that we will build a new silt trap as
well as a fish cage to house the fish from Lake 1, we will need general members
to pitch in and help with the work, i.e. removal of trees, lilies, weeds and fish
Mark told the meeting what we
currently pay for our book on a day by day projection and what the members pay
after not that much of a rise .The book has to go up!
PROPOSAL that books have to go up
by £10 across the board excluding the junior book which will stay the
same. Seconded by J Hayhoe and W
Mc Claren with no counter proposals. Passed unanimously. Money
raised from the books could also be
spent on re stocking the waters. Lake 1 will be a mixed fishery, no
Carp. Lake 1
Carp will go to Lake 3. Intended restocking fish will be roach, rudd,
tench, bream, crucians. We will also check on ide. We aim to get Lake 1
up and running for next year (2013).
Member’s names were taken at the end of the meeting for work parties,
also lake 1
car park to be extended.
Mark mentioned to the meeting that
a new tackle shop was to open at claws and paws an estimated 40 k of stock was
going in.
Club books are printed and available now - you can get them from the ususal outlets (see here), or call the Secretary, or come to the next Open Meeting (June 11th).
Why should you join? DM&DAA offers a mix of fishing, from a
near-commercial pond, to traditional estate lakes, to miles of inviting
river on the Ouse and Wissey. Not forgetting The Cuckoo Drain, an
excellent summer venue for coarse fishing and a great winter pike water.
In these difficult financial times, the numbers are hard to ignore: fishing a DM&DAA water will cost you from only six pence to nine pence A DAY!
Compare that with the typical cost at a commercial water - anything
from £5 to £15 per day. That's up to 250 times more expensive than a
day at a DM&DAA venue. A year with DM&DAA costs the same
as a few days at a commercial. And when you add fuel costs and bait,
joining DM&DAA will limit your expenditure and allow to enjoy more
days fishing.
May 2012: WALLINGTON HALL OPEN DAY JULY 21st/22nd 2012
exciting event will take place at Wallington Hall this summer. Paul
Tomlinson is organising a sponsored Fishathon, in aid of the Riding for
the Disabled Association, on Lake 3 (members only) from Friday July
20th to Sunday July 22nd. This is an opportunity to night fish at
Wallington. In addition, on Saturday and Sunday (10am to 3pm) we
will hold Open Days for anyone to come along and fish Lakes 1 and
2 for only £1! Club members will be on hand to advise and help, and
this is an ideal moment to either try Wallington for Ordinary members,
or for new members and particularly juniors to come along and try
estate lake angling in beautiful surroundings.
More information will follow shortly.
We have received a request from Lucy Anderson, a PhD student at Leeds University, to complete a short survey on the
impact of
aquatic invasive species in the UK. Animals such as North American signal
crayfish, zebra mussels and killer shrimp and plants such as floating pennywort
are spreading through our waterways having been accidentally introduced from
other countries. Species such as these can cause serious damage to river banks
and water pipes and are responsible for dramatic declines of our native flora
and fauna.
In the absence of any other form of
control, the only way we can reduce the impact of these invasive species as
well as diseases that they may introduce, such as crayfish plague and koi
herpevirus, is to ensure that we do all we can to prevent their further
spread. Disease organisms and invasive species in their smaller juvenile
stages may be accidentally spread between water bodies on boats, vehicles,
clothing and fishing equipment. We are seeking your help to try and get a
better understanding of current fishing practices so we can identify possible
ways to prevent their spread.
The questionnaire is here: http://www.survey.leeds.ac.uk/anglersurvey and takes 5 - 10 minutes to complete
and all answers are completely anonymous. Everyone who completes the survey is
given the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a £50 voucher for
AnglingDirect online tackle shop.
Open meeting was held on Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 at 7.30pm, at The
in Wimbotsham. Key messages from the AGM were reiterated, and new club
books were available. Chris Bailey from the EA visited and
reminded us of the need to report illegal angling/fish theft/suspicious
activity to the EA on their hotline number: 0800 807060.
This meeting was also Trophy Night - see here for details of winners (coming soon).
The next meeting will be on Monday June 11th - usual place, usual time.
Club books will be available - remember to bring your EA licence and
old club book (if already a member).
AGM was held on Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at 7.30pm, at The Chequers
in Wimbotsham. Some important information was imparted to members old
and new:
- The
Clay Pit will open on May 1st. Current members can use their 2011
membership book until they renew it, which they must do by June 11th at
the latest. New members will have to wait until the May 8th meeting to
purchase a 2012 book and can fish the Clay Pit when they are in
possession of a new book. Note: all other club waters remain closed, as usual, until June 16th.
- The
club has expended a considerable amount of money and voluntary time in
improving waters this year, including oxygenating plants at
Wallington Hall and The Clay Pit, restocking at Wallington, the
"inflatable man" cormorant scarer and swim improvement on all
waters. This improvement programme will continue in 2012/13.
- Lee
Britton has been appointed H&S Officer - please report all
incidents to him (eg injuries, unsafe pegs, bankside trees needing
attention, etc)
- Anyone fishing for specimen fish must use a landing net of at least 36" and an unhooking mat
- The
next meeting on Tuesday May 8th (as Monday 7th is a Bank Holiday)
is Trophy Night; club books should be available for purchase at
the May and June (Monday 11th) meetings. Remember to bring your EA rod licence.
- An
Open Day is planned at Wallington Hall in July (date TBC) for current
members and anyone interested in joining - more details will be posted
March 2012: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM will be held on Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at 7.30pm, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham.
you have any items you wish to put to the meeting, these must be
received in writing (via letter to the Secretary or Email to
info@dmdaa.co.uk) at least two weeks before the meeting. Last
date for acceptance is March 19th.March 2012: Wallington Hall Stocking
Committee took the decision to invest in fish for stocking into Lake 2
at Wallington Hall. The fish, a mix of prime roach, bream and tench
(the roach and bream being of breeding size) were stocked at the end of
March: These fish should show well in the new season and are part of the continuing program of improving all the Club's fisheries. October 2011: Wallington Hall Update Two
books have been purchased for Wallington Hall for anglers to record
their catches - please use them, they will help the Committee assess
performance and keep improving your fishery.
Talking of Wallington, bailiff Paul caught this 21lb 5oz beauty on Oct 1st from Lake 3:September 2011: Early Autumn Update Despite
the strange weather and patchy fishing in other waters, the club's
venues are doing well. In particular, Lake 2 at Wallington Hall has
been producing good bags of silverfish, including small rudd, roach and
skimmers which are clearly the result of breeding in the lake. The
small carp which were stocked 2 years ago are also showing and are now
reaching 3-4lb in weight. Some members have reported difficulty in
catching silverfish in Lake 2, but the key is in choice of tackle; fish
light and you will be rewarded. We recommend light line (eg 3lb
mainline, 1.5lb hooklength), small hooks (18 or 20), natural baits
(pinkies work well) and if you are float fishing, dot the float right
down to improve sensitivity of bite detection. Keep loose feeding
little and often, and you will start with small fish and then the
bigger ones will move in.
Similarly, the new river waters have
been fishing well. Several anglers have reported bags of 30lb plus of
bream from the Little Ouse end of the fishery, with fish up to 71/2lb coming out. Again, natural baits (worm, caster) presented with a quivertip/feeder setup are the way to go.
a more negative note, we have to report that a number of anglers have
been caught at The Claypit by the local Environment Agency team - they
were fishing illegally with neither club ticket nor rod licence. All
have been summonsed to appear in court and can expect fines exceeding
£600 with costs, but possibly up to the maximum of £2,500. We ask that
all club members are vigilant and either report anyone they suspect of
fishing illegally to the Bailiff/Committee, or call the EA hotline: 0800 807060.
[note: 0800 calls from mobiles are not free, so you can use another number instead: 0191 203 4000 or 01709 389 201 option 1].
August 2011: LITTER LOUTS (AGAIN) Funny,
isn't it? If you scroll down the page you'll see the same
headline from a year ago. Unfortunately,
it seems that despite many previous requests to take rubbish home with
you, a minority of anglers are leaving litter in their swims,
particularly at The Claypit. This time it's glass bottles - Lee
(Bailiff) collected 23 discarded bottles in one circuit of the lake
last week. This is totally unacceptable, not to mention potentially
therefore, the Committee has decided that the rubbish situation will
be monitored closely during August and if there is no improvement then The Claypit will be closed for an indefinite period. Signs will be posted at The Claypit announcing this decision. Glass bottles of all kinds are hereby banned and cannot be taken onto any club venue.
we remind DM&DAA anglers that all members are bailiffs, and if you
see people leaving litter then take some action - get the offenders'
details and report it to the Committee or challenge them yourself. It
is your club, please act responsibly.
These are the relevant Club Rules:
- Any
litter in the vicinity of your swim must be cleared up before fishing. No
litter to be left. No excuses accepted.
- No
drink cans, or tins allowed at fisheries i.e. no Coke, beer cans, luncheon
meat, sweetcorn tins, etc.
- All
members, on production of their membership books, have the right to challenge
any angler fishing club waters to produce their membership books. If they are
unable to produce a book they will be expected to leave.
hope that anglers will take it upon themselves to take remedial action
about the litter situation. If you do not, then the Committee will take
action and close The Claypit for an indefinite period.
July 2011: Glorious Evenings
I thought I'd share some photos I took whilst enjoying two splendid evenings at Wallington and The Cuckoo Drain: Nothing can beat it.
June 2011: SEASON OFF TO A
It's that time
of year again, thankfully, and our waters have started very well indeed. Good
catches have been reported from the Claypit, including lots of silver fish, so
the problems from last year seem well and truly behind us.
At Wallington Hall, club angler Darren Belham made an excellent start with 73lb of bream from Lake 3, witnessed and weighed by Club President, Malcolm Plumb (below)::  |  |  | a nice Lake 3 bream | some of the catch | weighing in |
Don't forget
that the club book now includes new river waters on the Ouse (Littleport upstream
for approx 7 miles) aand the Wissey (south bank at the Wissington Sugar Beet
Factory). These waters have kindly been let to us by the London Anglers
Association and you can find details of them here.
to the plethora of Bank Holidays recently, the next open meeting will
be held on on Monday, May 9th at 7.30pm, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham.
All current/prospective members are welcome to attend.March 2011: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM will be held on Monday, April 4th at 7.30pm, at The Chequers in Wimbotsham.
you have any items you wish to put to the meeting, these must be
received in writing (via letter to the Secretary or Email to
info@dmdaa.co.uk) at least two weeks before the meeting. Last
date for acceptance is March 21st.
Claypit will remain closed until the new season in June 2011; this is
to allow furhter assessement of the issues reported previously, and to
allow remedial work to be undertaken.
the Claypit has suffered a significant fish kill and is closed until
further notice. The Environment Agency is investigating the cause of
the problem, designated a Category 2 Infection.
Further information will be posted on this site in due course.
August 2010: LITTER LOUTS Unfortunately,
it seems that despite many previous requests to take rubbish home with
you, a minority of anglers are leaving litter in their swims,
particularly at The Claypit. Such litter has included discarded tins
(which should not be brought onto the fishery anyway), bags, rubber
gloves (!) and even a broken umbrella which the lazy owner could not be
bothered to dispose of but just chucked into a hedge.
therefore, the Committee has decided that the rubbish siutuation will
be monitored closely during August and if there is no improvement then The Claypit will be closed for an indefinite period. Signs will be posted at The Claypit announcing this decision.
we remind DM&DAA anglers that all members are bailiffs, and if you
see people leaving litter then take some action - get the offenders'
details and report it to the Committee or challenge them yourself. It
is your club, please act responsibly.
These are the relevant Club Rules:
- Any
litter in the vicinity of your swim must be cleared up before fishing. No
litter to be left. No excuses accepted.
- No
drink cans, or tins allowed at fisheries i.e. no Coke, beer cans, luncheon
meat, sweetcorn tins, etc.
- All
members, on production of their membership books, have the right to challenge
any angler fishing club waters to produce their membership books. If they are
unable to produce a book they will be expected to leave.
hope that anglers will take it upon themselves to take remedial action
about the litter situation. If you do not, then the Committee will take
action and close The Claypit for an indefinite period.
June 2010 Those
of you who have followed one of our links to the Hugh Miles film
series, Catching the Impossible, will be pleased to learn that it is
finally being screened on TV. It begins next Sunday, June 13th, on
Channel 4, at the faintly silly time of 7am. However, I am told that if
enough people write in supporting the showing, they will then repeat it
at a more civilised hour, when more viewers are likely to be able to
experience it. You can contact Channel 4 with your comments here.
It is a brilliant series; please watch it and enthuse about it to C4. I
also understand that Hugh has filmed some underwater sequences on the
Wensum for Springwatch, due to be screened during the programmes
between June 7th and 10th.
Oh, and the new season starts on the 16th........I can't wait.April 2010 The 2010 AGM was held on Tuesday, April 6th, at The
Chequers, Wimbotsham. The new club constitution was approved unanimously.
membership books for the forthcoming 2010/11 season will be available
at the next open meeting on Monday May 3rd, and also on June 7th.
Please remember to bring your current EA rod licence.March 2010
The 2010 AGM will be held on Tuesday, April 6th, at The
Chequers, Wimbotsham, at 7.30pm. All are welcome, and indeed
encouraged, to
attend this meeting. Please note that this is on Tuesday, not Monday as
previously advertised, since it would have fallen on Easter Bank
Holiday Monday.
The meetings in May and June are also open for all
members to attend.Club
membership books can be purchased and collected at the May and June meetings in 2010. Books will only be sold to members in
possession of a currrent EA Rod Licence. The New Club Constitution, Rules and Match Rules can be downloaded by clicking on the links. These will be voted on at the AGM. For more info, contact, info@dmdaa.co.uk
December 2009 This
was supposed to go in last month but didn't make it due to illness -
apologies. As you can see from the pictures below, a large number of
small carp (approx 1200 fish up to 8", or 20cm if you insist) were
introduced as a short-term measure to contol the bloodworm. These will
hopefully grow fat on the huge stock of bloodworm in the lake and can
then be electrofished out in due course.
new carp being put into Lake 2
August 2009 A
few people have called or Emailed us in a confused state - apparently
they tried to find this website but instead came up with Downham
Meerkat.com. The confusion is easily rectified - Downham Market
(www.dmdaa.co.uk) is a fine angling club offering great fishing in and
around the town of Downham Market in Norfolk; Downham Meerkat is a
small furry creature flogging cheap insurance on the telly. Simples.
You will see the gallery pages are now up and running and populated with photos - please send more in to info@dmdaa.co.uk
June 2009
New SeasonThe new season commences on all waters on June 16th.
Please note that Wallington Hall access is not permitted before 6am on
that day. Anyone wishing to pre-bait swims at Wallington can do so
from June 13th onwards. For members who have not visited Wallington
recently, please also note that the access to car parking has changed -
there is now no access to the road that runs in front of the Hall.
Instead, turn right immediately after the Gatehouse and follow the new
road to the lakes. The new road is signposted at the gate. Maintenance
work has been done at both the Clay Pit and Cuckoo Drain to improve the
swims. Further remedial work is planned for the Clay Pit in the coming
months. Please note the new rules, detailed below in the May News section.Tight lines, everyone! Please remember to send in photos of your catches so that we can include them in the Gallery. These can sent to info@dmdaa.co.uk. Coarse Fishing is the new Rock'n'RollOne of our links, Caught by the River, featured on the Today programme on Radio 4 . Here's the extract. Junior SectionNeil
Paske, Vice-Chairman of the club, is to set up a Junior section in the
near future. Please revisit this website for further information. New Members WelcomeThe
club would like to encourage more local people, and indeed visitors to
the area, to become members. Details can be found on the membership page. MatchesBookings are already virtually full for the Wednesday Night matches. Please contact Ray Cook for further details. The
club book has an error concerning the Turkey Stakes match - this is to
be held on December 13th, not the 11th as stated. The club book also
did not contain information for the timings of Senior Matches - these
May 2009
Access to Wallington Hall during the Close SeasonMembers
are not permitted to visit Wallington Hall during the Close
Season, other than for Work Party duties arranged by the Committee. Visits can ONLY be made by prior arrangement with the Secretary. Pre-baiting visits can commence on June 13th, 2009. Wallington Hall StockingDuring
the early part of 2009, approximately 18,500 fish were stocked into Lake
2 at Wallington Hall. Species stocked included bream, roach and rudd. New Rules for 2009/1022. When fishing any Club Waters you are required to use two keepnets. 1 - silverfish, 2 - Carp: to protect the fish
23. No fish to be kept in keepnets longer than 5 hours (plus time for weighing after Match)
Wallington Hall Fish SurveyPictures from the recent fish survey at Wallington Hall:
 |  |  | Electrofishing | Fish Survey | Lake 3 carp - mid doubles |